Anime Expo 15 Cosplay 2006

Conventions Huntington Beach Arrival Opening Event Saturday Cosplay Kimono Demo CLAMP Panel Sunday Cosplay Dealer's Room Movie Premieres Monday Cosplay Events

Among the many, many activities going on at AX, in the above photo a Magic tournament is taking place.

One of the major attractions in the dealers room was The Indigo at the Geneon booth. Along with many of their own songs, they also played themes from Someday's Dreamers and Ai Yori Aoshi. It made for a nice, mellow break from the frantic pace we had been maintaining all day.

A street band makes up an impromptu melody for Man-Faye as he happened to stroll by.

Finally, it was time to head home. Unfortunately we would miss the Masquerade scheduled for later that evening, but our flight was due to leave in a few hours and we could linger no longer. With one last look at the main convention concourse, we headed back to the hotel to catch the shuttle bus for the airport. It had been an amazing four days of fun, panels, movies, cosplayers and sleepless nights.

Conventions Huntington Beach Arrival Opening Event Saturday Cosplay Kimono Demo CLAMP Panel Sunday Cosplay Dealer's Room Movie Premieres Monday Cosplay Events